630 Attevidae (Tropical Ermine Moths), Yponomeutidae (Ermine Moths)

2 Species
Ailanthus Webworm Moth - Hodges#2401 (Atteva aurea) Dorsal Photographed near Rochester, NY on Aug 19, 2014. Species page at BugGuide.net .
Ailanthus Webworm Moth - Hodges#2401 (Atteva aurea) Dorsal
Photographed near Rochester, NY on Aug 19, 2014. Species page at BugGuide.net.
Ailanthus Webworm Moth - Hodges#2401 (Atteva aurea) Lateral Photographed near Rochester, NY on Aug 19, 2014. This is another view of the moth in the previous photo. Species page at BugGuide.net .
Ailanthus Webworm Moth - Hodges#2401 (Atteva aurea) Lateral
Photographed near Rochester, NY on Aug 19, 2014. This is another view of the moth in the previous photo. Species page at BugGuide.net .
Possibly Yponomeuta cagnagella - Hodges#2423 Photographed near Rochester, NY on July 14, 2009. Species page at BugGuide.net .
Possibly Yponomeuta cagnagella - Hodges#2423
Photographed near Rochester, NY on July 14, 2009. Species page at BugGuide.net.